
Spotlight On…Foodworks Tieri

11 Jun 2024

Business name: Foodworks Tieri

Managers name: Nicole Zeller (outgoing Manager) and Jason Amos (incoming Manager)

How long have you been managing the store: Nicole: 5 years / Jason: a few weeks!

Locations serviced: Tieri and surrounds

Nicole, tell us about yourself and how you came to be running Foodworks?

My husband and I ran a pub in Baralaba for 4 years. The owner of Foodworks Tieri was a good customer of ours and he also owned the corner store in Baralaba at the time. When our pub contract ended, I asked him if I could have a job stacking shelves and helping customers, but with no responsibility. He said yes…but then a few months later he handed me the keys to Foodworks Tieri and I agreed to run it for him. That was nearly five years ago!

What products and services can people access at Foodworks Tieri?

All your general groceries, including pantry items, drinks, snacks, confectionery, bakery products, fridge favourites, and frozen goods.

Household items such as cleaning products, pet needs, health and beauty essentials.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered twice a week.

Fresh meat and BBQ chickens…and we even have a butcher on site

We also sell newsagent items and have the Lotto. We haven’t had any big wins yet, but I keep telling our customers to try harder so we can receive a plaque!

What’s the most popular item people buy?

Tuesday is the Mines roster change day, when the old crew leaves and the new crew comes in. It’s become known as “Fat Friday” because the outgoing crew always stock up on confectionery for the last day of their tour!

When is the best time to shop?

Wednesday, after our main truck delivery has been unloaded from the day before.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I generally arrive at 6-6.30am. I do a bit of back-office work before the team arrives. We have a quick chat about the day ahead, then open the store. We receive any goods that are due for delivery that day, I place any orders required to ensure the shelves are well stocked…and then I leave my team to it with trust and appreciation. 

Who else makes up the team there?

My current team consists of Samantha, Sharie, Robyn, Michelle, Christine and Barbra-Lee with Carol and Alisdair in the Butchers unit and now Jason Amos, who is taking over as Manager. I have enjoyed working with them all and fondly remember all those past employees who have moved on to bigger and better things.

What might people be surprised to learn about managing a store like Foodworks?

The camaraderie. My team is my adopted family…in fact, sometimes it feels like the whole town is! Because Tieri is a small town, everyone really looks out for each other. It’s very supportive and friendly. Being the local supermarket, you get to meet pretty much everyone at some point. I’ve watched people get married, have babies and bring them up. It’s been incredible.

What’s the best part about your role?

Probably earning the trust of my team and them letting me into their confidence. Seeing their growth and, in turn, the growth of the store over the last half a decade has been brilliant.

After 5 years, you’re handing over the reins to Jason Amos and heading off for a new adventure. What can you tell us?

My husband and I are moving to an even more rural location to start a sugarcane farm! My last day at Foodworks is Friday, 1st March and we’ll be saying goodbye to Tieri mid-late March.

What has your time in Tieri meant to you?

I’ve absolutely loved it. My team, the growth of the store, gaining the loyalty and respect of the community…and the friendships I’ve made – I’ll forever carry them with me.

Any parting words?

Thank you so much to the Tieri community for your support, your friendship and for teaching me so much. The biggest lesson being that there is still a lot of good, love and humanity in this crazy world! The generosity and support in this town is unparalleled and I’m honoured to have been on the receiving end of it, thank you. A big thank you to Sam for all your support, hard work and letting me adopt your kid. Gen and Chris at the bakery for the amazing long johns. Kath from CTM Links for allowing me to be involved in the community events and Jim and Allie at the Post Office for introducing me to Greg. Jamie and Lisa at Koa Hair for making me pretty, Andy at the Chemist for answering my stupid questions and Sarah at the Medical Centre for being a wealth of knowledge. “Every day’s a good day here at Foodworks Tieri”

Jason, welcome to Tieri! Where were you before this and what were you doing?

I was just down the road in Middlemount, working for Middlemount Bakery. My background is in managing supermarkets and petrol stations so I was really attracted to the challenge and opportunity of moving to Tieri (with my two fur children, dogs Pippa and Baxter) and running Foodworks Tieri.

This is your second week on the job – what have you learned so far?

Lots! I’ve been learning the systems and processes the team already has in place, and slowly getting to know our customers and who’s who in town.

What do you hope to bring to Foodworks and the community of Tieri?

My first impressions are that Tieri is a great little town, very close knit and friendly. Nicole has fully engaged with the community and I hope to be able to do the same. By nature, I’m typically a quiet person, but I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and bringing value to their lives through the reliability and consistency of products and service we offer in the store.

What are your opening hours?

7am – 7pm, 7 days a week.

We’re closed on Good Friday, the morning of ANZAC Day, and Christmas Day.

How can people contact Foodworks Tieri?

Call us on 07 4984 8480 or email

Any other information you’d like to share about Foodworks?

Just because we’re an independent supermarket, our prices are not high and we are constantly running campaigns, so, please, shop local where you can.