
Nurse Sue’s News

1 Nov 2024

Dear Community,


Well the year is getting away from us. Not long now and it will be School Holidays and then Christmas, and then 2025 – oh my goodness!

  • We had a great response  to the Well Womens’ Clinic  in Tieri.  Capella has a Well Womens Clinic in November, if you would like an appointment  please call Capella, Tuesday only  9am to 12md or 1pm to 3pm (49846100). 
  • If you have a Child going into Year 7 or 10 at Capella High School 2025. Please check for their consent envelopes for vaccination in the first 2 weeks of  school. 2025.   All forms must be returned with YES or NO to Vaccinations.  I can do your child’s vaccination outside of school if you feel that is better for them.
  • Skin Checks next clinic is in 2025.
  • BCG tuberculosis clinic is on in Emerald on the 12th of November and Blackwater  2nd of December.  If you have a baby under 6 months who is Aboriginal or Parents are from overseas and you want your child vaccinated please call me or email to book your child into this clinic. Currently, I am the only practitioner offering this Vaccination outside of  Rockhampton.
  • HOLIDAYS – I will be on holidays from Wednesday 4th of December and returning to work on January 6th 2025.  I will not be carrying my work mobile with me during my holidays, so please do not message or call, as no one is checking the phone.   Phone  Emerald Hospital  49879497 .   I am sorry but there is not relief available during my absence in Tieri or Capella.
  • If you would like to have your baby / toddler checked or vaccinated before I leave on holidays please book ASAP to ensure you get an appointment.
  • Speech Assessments will be done at Kindergarten 2025.  Consent forms will be sent home with your child for you to complete 2 weeks before assessment is done.
  • Hearing and Vision assessments will be done at Prep in 2025, Consent forms will be sent home with your child for you to complete 2 weeks before assessment is done.
  • If you have concerns about your child’s hearing, vision or speech, it is better to act earlier than next year.  Please book an appointment.

Working for you in Our Community,
Nurse Sue