
Meet the Locals – Dr. Daniel King

18 Jun 2024

Our top little town is full of interesting people from varied backgrounds. Each edition, we’ll be chatting to different members of the community to get their story and share it with you so you get to “Meet the Locals”.

This edition, we met with Dr Daniel King, the new Doctor at Tieri Medical Practice…

Welcome to Tieri, Daniel! What attracted you to the role and this top little town of ours?

We’d been living on the Gold Coast for several years. I was working as a GP in Burleigh Heads, right on the main tourist drag. We were getting itchy feet and felt ready for a family adventure. We wanted a change of scenery, something a bit different and unique. Tieri ticked all the boxes.

You said “we” – who have you moved here with?

My wife, Laura, and our two sons: Asher who is 2-years old, and 10-month old Jax.

Did you always want to be a Doctor?

Yes, but I never thought I’d get here because it’s such a long process. I genuinely love people – I was attracted by the opportunity to see them through the good, bad and ugly parts of life. As a GP, it’s such a privilege to be with people on their journey.

Do you specialise in, or have an interest in, any particular area of medicine?

Being a GP is a speciality in its own right – it takes an additional three years of study after becoming a Doctor. I like being a generalist as it means you get to see lots of different cases come through your door.

Where did you do your training?

I studied through the University of Queensland in Brisbane, and finished my final years in Toowoomba. I trained in Science and Medicine for eight years at uni, then did a further three years to qualify in 2014 as a GP…11 years in total. 

After all that training, it must be quite nerve-wracking going out on your own. Can you recall your first ever day on the job?

I remember my first rotation. It was at a rural hospital in Stanthorpe. You really have to hit the ground running. I remember doing ward rounds, blood tests and taking a clinic, followed by a few hours in the emergency department…all on day one! I was so grateful to the nurses who were there to support me. The reality check of going from books to the real world was mind blowing.

Over the years, what’s been your biggest on-the-job learning?

I feel like in a rural practice you have less resources at your disposal, it really makes you draw on different skill sets that you normally wouldn’t have to. I must admit each day you learn something different from patients, from research and from colleagues. Coming here to Tieri has been no different, I love it. 

What’s the biggest difference between being a GP in a city versus a small rural town like Tieri?

It’s that access to resources and support. For example, the distance of our closest specialists for assistance can be difficult, especially for mental health. It means you need to establish a strong referral base, and that takes time. The isolation of small towns is very evident, so you rely more on telehealth. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

I typically start work at 8am and see around 30 patients who are scheduled back-to-back every 15 minutes. It can be pretty full on. Then sometimes we might have an emergency, or a walk-in that changes the flow of things. But all we can do is our job, keep pushing and hope that the people waiting next are really patient.

Then, after all that, I head home for dinner and the chaos of the bedtime routine!

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

It’s actually not hearing a “thank you”. I get a kick when people have moved on from the last medical problem and have forgotten it was even bothering them. That generally means I’ve done my job.

What do you hope to bring to the local community?

Support. I want the community to feel they have someone who actually listens, cares and is able to help with their health. I’m not perfect, but I want the Tieri community to know I’m here if they need help.

How do you describe yourself?

Cool, calm, collected.

How would your mates describe you?

Pretty chilled.

How do you spend your spare time…and with whom?

With my family – lots of tickle fights and wrestling with my 2-year old!

5 things you can’t live without?

  1. Coffee!
  2. My wife, Laura
  3. Spellcheck!
  4. Yvette – our amazing practice Nurse
  5. My script pad

What’s a little-known fact or hidden talent people would be interested to know about you?

I love to travel… 22 countries so far.

Dead or alive, who would be your ideal BBQ guests?

My wife, any day of the week. We’re a great team. Preferably we’d be child-free so we can sit down and actually enjoy the BBQ (as anyone with young kids will understand!).

If you could have anyone else’s job, whose would it be and why?

I love my job so I wouldn’t change anything…I’ve trained too long to do anything else.